Saturday, May 22, 2010

taking comfort in the leadership of a strong leader...

Dan developed this run 3 telephone poles and walk one telephone pole length as he is training for the 1/2 marathon. So, I decided I'd follow that method. And as mile after mile drifted by, I realized what comfort I find in trusting him as the leader. It's easy to follow a leader who is experienced, who has the best in mind for you, who will stop to encourage you, take care of you, and lead you. It's delightful to know that I am well cared for. It's reassuring to see that all my needs are taken care of...yes, it's still effort as I have to put one foot in front of the other. Yes, I can opt out and go it alone at any moment. Yes, following someone else means being dependent on them. But when the leader is proven, their actions supporting all your concerns, their love for you evident, why wouldn't you follow?

God is the perfect leader. Let's face it. He's been there, lived it through his son, Jesus, and he's conquered death to bring us into relationship with him. He removed all obstacles, shattered all barriers, endured and succeeded.

Why do I doubt him? If my human leader takes care of me, why would I doubt the perfection of my Father?

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