Tuesday, February 15, 2011


coiled around my stomach is a ball of anxiety and expectation...
expecting and anticipating amazing things to happen,
dreaming of things to come,
watching and wondering,
where is He?
will I see His work?
am I missing It?

and then the human-flesh-response of anxiousness...
emotion packed consumption,
question without answers,
blind faith and trust

i cannot have the holy without the human
i cannot have the joy without the sorrow

trust. obey.
watch. follow.
seek. find.

Monday, February 14, 2011

unexpected gifts

still. dark. quiet.

hush....don't hear
I am coming for you

lights turn on, the room brightens.

gentle, whisper-calm, card laid down.
gift prepared, like a glimmering crown.

she sits up.

grin breaks into a smile,
sparkling eyes dripping with mischief and love


unexpected card, words, gift
tumbles out onto a


joy-defined, this gift,
remembered, cherished,
evidence of a love
for all time.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

the trio begins

it's psalm 90 day
it's a new day
it's a beginning of a journey

one was called through prayer, another through questions, and a third through stories...the trio joined to embark, to share, to listen, to watch, and to pray.

the vision clear; start among the three, then build.

"Watch me work" the Creator called, "Watch me bless. See my miracles, experience my Glory, delight in my ways, know blessing and conquer challenge. Gain perspective. Number your days. Join me in mission. Come."

confirmed and strengthened, renewed and filled up, the journey begins. We will heed the call and we will come.

the symphony

movement one
a quiet, whispered prayer weaves across the landscape,
an urgent plea from a soft voice moving gently, lightly into the holy temple.
It's fragrance sweet, it's desperation humble. Floating in, it lands in the bowl of incense, holy incense, wafting a hint into the presence of the King. One prayer, spoken in less than a minute, offered up and then forgotten.

movement two
in another region, far from the first, another plea, gaining in strength,yet singular in voice. Lifted up and then forgotten; days passing before another request is offered up. A hint here. A whisper there. Breaking through defenses, weakened, and pathetic. Prayers not voiced from repentance, not filled with faith, random cries. Does the king hear? Does he see? Will he respond?

movement three
stronger now, prayers are offered more urgently as the pain and suffering and evil and fear intensifies; the need for intervention greater than the sacrifice of prayer, loss of self being in control, loss of selfishness, loss of ambition and independence and greed. These things fall away as the greater conviction rises and the call for help increases. Repentance begins and faith shines a little brighter until.....

movement four
a full, united symphony of voices, coming together with conviction and with request, with repentance and righteousness mingles, intertwines, bonding into one cord, praying in one accord for the King's will to be done. And He hears, and He delights, and He forgives and He answers.