Thursday, March 31, 2011

a birthday blessing

first born; set a part, uniquely designed with a plan in mind
son, may you flourish in this year of growing and learning and exploring
you matter. you are significant. you have abundance of blessing; seek it out, pursue it, be guided by it and driven to it. trust in God, seek His voice, thrive in His love and be filled with His truth.
go beyond what you have already been, seek further than you have gone,
and know that love formed you, love carries you, and love fills you.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Thirteen. Thirteen! Thirteen?
An official teenager; although in my mind you've been older than your age for years.
I pray great blessings on you as you venture into teenhood.
May your days be filled with marvelous mystery; learning and appreciating and celebrating the life you've been given.
May your nights be spent in restful slumber; dreaming of all that is to come, possibilities and potentialities....
May you know you are loved, may you grow in your faith, and may your hope burn brightly in the year ahead!
Happy Birthday to my daughter.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

rant and rave

rant and rave
i've been on this rant for the last year and a half. ashamedly, it began with the tween sensation of the twilight saga books. let me explain. my then eleven-year-old daughter asked if I'd approve of her reading Twilight, New Moon, etc... I was skeptically cautious. It sounded scandalous. Christians don't read about werewolves and vampires. it was like the next step toward hell, the first step being harry potter. so i deliberated. i wondered. i don't think i prayed. and then, something really weird happened. I picked up the books and began to ready. voraciously. i couldn't put it down. I became bella. I didn't eat. literally. i lost about twenty pounds as i balanced work, home, and reading. i rediscovered the joy, the ectstacy of reading. (as a child, i'd stay up late, reading every word, every paragraph)
so I am consumed by this story, competing with my daughter for the books as we checked them out. we'd discuss the story line. relate it to realism. talk about the adventure, the thrill.
this marked a turning point. i discovered the love story. again. anew.
i read the classics, the jane austin stuff, the victorian age, the contemporary stuff. i learned about trash-literature, the fast food graphic porn-like stuff. i quickly discarded that. i learned about the christian writers-those romantic men and women who wrote about the struggle, the joy, and the passion of love. i was hooked.
book after book was toted from the library, i read hundreds of books. absorbing them, studying them, analyzing them. it was a rant like no other.
and so i would travel to the library, like i normally do, when i visited the used books that were for sale. and for fifty cents, i bought blue like jazz.
in 12 hours, i've read through much of it (between sleep, a state science fair exhibition, lunch with grandma and a sick child) and i am raving the candid thoughts, the gutsy monologue. donald miller has some stuff to say and i am listening.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

where do i find dinner?

i'm lost.
i need a map.
where do i find dinner?

between the work schedule and the family schedule and the individualized-personalities of what each favors, amid the weekday and weeknight landmines of shifting schedules and the vector-beam pull of the direct tv line up and the modified diets due to surgery resulting in needing a peace-filled, tranquil landscape of soloism, where do i find the good-old-fashioned family of five eating together for dinner?

does it matter? for meal upon meal i didn't think so. BUT, i awoke with a startling thought at 3:40 a.m. this morning, horrified of the state of my family and it's degradation of the benefits of the family meal.

benefits, i say? benefits. and they are many.

health, planning and nutrition and balance prepare a meal for another is an act of love and service and nutritional consideration.

social connections of the highs and lows of our days, the bond-unbreakable, the humor and effort of forming sentence after sentence in fluid and not so fluid conversation. the exchange of thought, the rhythm of words streaming together without the engine of electricity and keyboard and touchpad and text. Face-to-face, in real time at real speed and with real error and.....

the spiritual burst of praying and sharing and explaining and exploring faith.

where do i find dinner? i'm lost. i got lost along the way. it's a lonely crusade back to the top of this pile of spaghetti, but i aim to see it through.

tonight's pancakes.

one down. a million more meals to go.