Thursday, November 11, 2010

faith begins when you get to the end....

i've recently, completely,
confidently observed,
faith begins
when i get to the end of myself

when i see that i cannot solve it,
cannot explain it,
cannot fathom it, design it, complete it

faith begins when i relinquish control,
when i give up, surrendering my best efforts,
discovering that in and of myself
i am not everything.

faith begins when i see that i am not perfect,
i do not have all the answers,
i cannot master it,
it is beyond me

faith begins when i crave more than myself,
want more than i can offer,
desire even better than my

faith begins when i dream of the limitless,
when my hope is bigger than all i can imagine

faith "is being sure of what i hope for and certain of what i do not see."
faith is the reason i dare to live this life.

i beg you, get to the end of yourself.
go beyond your limits,
search beyond your framework, your skills, your talents,
dig deeper than your mind,
explore greater than your heart,
and you will find unlimited rewards,
richer understanding, and outrageous love.