Wednesday, May 30, 2012

passion: the line between inspiration and alienation

passionate people amaze me;
their single-minded focus, their fervor, their insanity
passionate people stand in line for days for concert tickets,
they cover their bodies in art,
they devote themselves to their cause.

passionate people breathe and live,
sleep and drink,
move and have their being
 molded, shaped, inhabited by their passion.

passionate people are inspiring;
until their passion shifts from inspiration to alienation.
alienation that pits their way of life above all others,
alienation that arrogantly competes and defies all other thinking and being,
alienation from community and unity,
interdependence and harmony.

there is a thin line,
the line of passion,
that can quickly turn affection into indigestion

how to be a person of passion
where persuasion
brings a sharper image,
a better result,
a smoother solution,
a mountain high,
an epic win,
a brilliant combination,
that is remarkable.

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