Monday, May 7, 2012

about prophecy

I have these friends that desire a prophetic word.  They hunger for it, wonder about it, long to see it played out in there lives.

They get excited when they talk about prophecy; faces animated, speech rapid and passion-filled.  Longing to see God at work in their lives, they seek out where God might be speaking.  They research prophecy and follow blogs and posts and writings and proclamations. They are desperate to taste the supernatural, indulge in the spirit, overflow with heaven here on earth.  Their eyes are scanning, their minds analyzing, the hearts searching.

I've heard their discussions, wondered about their journey, and considered their conquest.  I've thought about modern-day prophecy.  Are there prophets today?

As I've wrestled with this, I took the ancient path back to the Old Testament.  The prophets of old were given messages to convey to God's people.  The purpose was sure, the Messiah would come.  Don't loose hope, keep your hearts in tune with God's.  Even when your world is crumbling, even when the temple lies in ruins, even when families are separated, forever torn, and the city is gone, even then, have hope because God's promise is sure and his redemptive plan certain.  Prophecy brought a message of hope.

When I consider my friend's longing for a prophetic word today, I see that we have it.  More than one word, more than one vision, we have many, many words.  We have books of words, we have promises of heaven, we know the end.  

We have the written word of God.  And it's enough.  We needn't add to it, desire more than it, expand upon it.  We will be filled to overflowing by reading and memorizing, following and pursuing what's written in God's word every day of our lives.  

I cannot fathom an assignment greater than this one, a mission more eternal than this one, a purpose more all encompassing than this one.  I simply do not need more.  It will be enough for me to humbly, determinedly, completely strive to follow God's word.  I'll stumble and fall and scrape and stutter with this mission as it is.  I do not need more.

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