Sunday, May 10, 2009

ingredients to a great story

The first 3 chapters in Genesis contain it all.  God creates a masterpiece, puts people into his creation.  People in love; a man and a woman, created for community.  He gives them purpose and pleasure; care-taking for the creation around them and sexual relation between them. Tension grows when a serpent enters into the plot.  A climax arises when God delivers his curses; one of the serpent, one of the woman, one of the man; the order within which the first sin entered in. And while this transgression is great, God's act of love is to care for the man and the woman, while displacing them from his perfect paradise.  And, angels show up to guard that paradise, to this day, the flaming sword flashes back and forth.  To this very day.  It's all there; God, creation, man, woman, divine love, earthly love, temptation, consequence, angels.  If that is how we began, why would we question, why would we imagine, we are extinct from that today? Why would we doubt the existence of God?  Of consequence?  Of redemption?  Of solution?  We are taught to think above this, but our thinking in this way doesn't exempt us from the realty that we are within it as well.

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