Thursday, September 15, 2011

2 acts

An act of condemnation:
a simple story weaves through, like a ribbon of water cutting through the landscape. the players are few: a man, a woman, and God. The man and woman, roles defined, enjoyed beauty and abundance, love and purpose. And then temptation too strong to resist enters the picture; a snake offers the one fruit forbidden. The man and woman eat. shame begins.

what did that shame feel like? Was it deep and burning; embarrassing and uncomfortable. Indeed, it must have been because the whole human demeanor changed. They covered themselves to mask their shame. They ran away, they hid.

Did Adam realize the weight of that act of betrayal? That act of disobedience? Do any of us really comprehend the potential and the poisonous around us? And yet, this one act changed eternity.

An act of righteousness
another simple story, another act. One man, alone, this time, but no mere man-the God man who came. Jesus. And through his act of righteousness, he made all people right in God's sight, giving them life. No shame. No hiding.

Why do we act as though we are still condemned? Why do we hid? Why are we ashamed?

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