Thursday, November 29, 2012

right and wrong

Right and wrong.

Right..."I'm right and you're wrong," feels so good, so successful, so winning, so accomplished.
Right feels right, how it's supposed to be, meant to be, designed to be.
Right gets glory, faces applause, gains popularity,
Right opens doors and drives opportunity,
Right is backed-by-the-law, understood-by-man, and upheld by God.


And wrong, well it's just plain wrong.
Wrong is immoral, it's heinous, it's ugly, it's contemptible, it's rejected, it's scoffed at,
it's the worst place to be,
it's unmatched,
it's laughed at,
it's uncomfortable,
it's bitter and deviant and evil,
it's punished.


Right and wrong; issues of justice, matters of fairness, lyric of life and death,
Right and wrong batter us, shake us, tempt and twist us, they taunt, they question, they plant seeds of doubt, they create denial, spread the poison of deceit, they condemn us.
Right and wrong are parents to guide us, instruct us, shame us, and punish us.
Right and wrong means blame has a place and blame is the ultimate deception.
Blame demands there be a reason why and why fights against faith. Blame is the slanderous little sister who whispers half-truths, emboldens bad behavior, and accuses others, empowering you and your rightness.

Right and wrong run against a call, a command, an invitation to live by faith because in the forum of faith, trust and obedience are the tools, the weapons, the skills, the means by which to live.

In the life of faith, God is bringing us into a relationship based on trust, not on right and wrong.  And when things go wrong, or seem to be right, the only way to know truth is to call upon God, to listen, and to obey. So often, we long for rightness, we dismiss wrongness and we confuse our works, our actions as the language by which faith is redeemed.  It has nothing to do with us, and it has everything to do with trust in God and with obedience to His Word.

The Word always was.
The Word always is.
The Word will always be.

Do you trust God enough to carry you through life?
Do you follow God closely enough to believe He knows the best course?
Do you obey God even when what He asks seems impossible,
seems improbable, seems, well, it seems wrong?

Wrong in the context of that's not how it's supposed to be; that's not how it's supposed to feel. And blame partners with wrong to give ammunition, to fuel the fire, to strengthen to fight against faith.  That's not the formula for success, instead it seems to be the recipe for defeat, right?

Do you realize that God doesn't care what you or I deem as a right way or a wrong way,
what He desires,
what He long for is an obedient heart?

When we get beyond
our definitions,
our qualifications of how to live and we trust,
that's when we find faith,
that's when we find peace,
that's when we find unconditional love carrying us through.

God is bigger than right and wrong.
God is stronger than choice and consequence.
He is infinitely more powerful and exponentially more brilliant,
He is.

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