Thursday, August 11, 2011

God's ways are not my ways

We were told today to dig ditches. That's God's way. Play some music and dig some ditches.
Ditch digging is smelly, hot, difficult, sweaty work.
It's the ditch digger that doesn't get acknowledgement.
It's the ditch digger whose muscles are sore.
It's the ditch digger who labors in the elements: the heat, the sun, the rain, the bugs, the thirst.
It's the ditch digger that works hard.

It's also God's way. And His ways are not my ways.

When the kings were thirsty, when their soldiers were parched, when their animal's health was threatened, they went to Elisha and he said:

"Oh, now you want God?" Really. I imagine a bit of sarcasm.
Then, Elisha wants music to be played. No kidding, I am not making this up.
Next, when weary and parched, Elisha prophesies that God is calling them to dig ditches.

Um. They are tired and thirsty. They could get sick digging ditches. They are defeated. This isn't the kind of motivational encouragement I imagine they were hoping for.

But wisely, dig ditches they did and by morning the valley was filled with life giving water.

2 Kings 3:9- 20.

Whoa. I'm weary. I feel unappreciated, devalued, ignored. I want to walk away. Give up.
And God is telling me to dig ditches. In the weariness, in the pain, in the rejection, in the overwhelming state of my union, God is calling me, inviting me, to dig ditches. Harder. Deeper. Stronger. Bigger. Relentlessly, earnestly, completely, obediently, dig.

not the solution,
not the path,
not the way I was going to go, but ok.

I will. I do. Let me grab a shovel and I'll join you in that valley, Lord.

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