Saturday, April 27, 2013

a still, quiet place

there's this place
that's hard to get to
it requires effort and timing,
preparation and dedication
a place that becomes rather than just is.

it's a moment, many moments strung together
where all distraction fades away,
a still, quiet place that I have found in a
most unusual way.

Laces tightened,
running gear on,
hydration flowing through my veins, I begin.

Muscles protest, wind distracts,
mental battle engages with a constant "You can't do this",
breathing starts to jag, side stitches threaten and then

counting and breathing and breathing and counting and
that's where I find a still, quiet place.

shoes pounding pavement quiets,
distracted noise fades,
wind becomes less dominant, and it's me
counting in and out, in and out
breathing in and out, in and out
smooth and rhythmic and calm and peace filled


nothing else matters,
nothing else panics or competes and clamors for attention,
it's this still, quiet place.

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