Saturday, October 13, 2012

the reverse of me

piece by piece sticks to others until there is nothing left of me
i need to find restoration, i need to be filled, i need

me doesn't ever need, ever.
the reverse of me is in constant need

me is suspicious, always wondering if what you say you really mean
the reverse of me listens with a full heart, hearing what you say

me is critical, knowing that it never is what it says
me gets cynical, expecting the worst, believing you will let me down, and when you do, instead of holding you accountable, i say to myself, "i told me so"
the reverse of me sees the potential, understands the struggle, and holds your hand as you walk through

me is weary, carrying things that are much too heavy and wondering why i landed where i did
the reverse of me doesn't hold on to wrong things,
the reverse of me would know when to let go

me is a control-addict, managing every detail because others won't
the reverse of me believes in the human spirit

me has to see, me has to know, me has to have all the right answers, me can't fail, me can't make mistakes, me should no better
the reverse of me walks blindly; by faith, trusting and obeying,
on mission with a me-sized capacity wrapped in a God-sized embrace

How do I get to the reverse of me?

"Come, all you who are weary laden, and I will give you rest..."

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