Wednesday, October 19, 2011

the tail of the turquoise nails

My friend is leaving for a long trip and she's going to reach others for Christ and share her story and I want to remember to pray for her and I'm sincere about this, (breath), BUT, I'm distracted and busy and easily prone to forgetting little details and big events until they are right in front of me so I began to wonder. And ponder. Consider and calculate a way to remember her.

Two things came to mind; toes and turquoise nail polish.

My friend suffers from a painful foot injury and I know it can make her completely miserable and so wanting to give a gift, but not having a lot of cash and wanting to remember to pray for her foot, I thought about her and I painting our toe nails turquoise as a symbol of unity and a promise of prayer.

So my friend looks touched and crinkles up her face as I shyly and hesitantly began to explain my plan.

I start with, "I want to pray for you while you are gone, but I so easily forget. I want to ask God for complete healing for your foot, but if not complete, then I'm asking for release from the pain as you travel (and this is wear I really start to talk fast) so I'm painting my toes nails turquoise to remember you and to daily pray for healing and do you want to too?"

"What?" She says.

"Um....paint your toe nails so we can match and that way you'll know I am remembering you and asking for healing."

"Wow" She says.

Nervously, I wait. (Because no matter how well I know someone, there is a risk in being vulnerable and as one who is so prone to expect rejection, it takes guts to speak up.)

And then she smiles and gives me a hug and my eyes tear up because she says the next coolest thing, "I'm meeting tonight with a friend's family and her son has the gift of healing and he's going to pray for my feet too, so all day today, I have been anticipating this event and you come along to pray, too, and it encourages and confirms what God's doing."

"Wow" I say. "Wow"

So, for the next ten days, I'll shower(because everyone should shower at least once a day) and look at my toes and remember my friend and pray expectantly that her pain will be released if not erased and that's pretty cool.

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