Monday, April 26, 2010

can't love what you don't know

it's all about the knowing, having knowledge about a person, understanding their perspective, collecting facts about their habits, comprehending their quirks, preferences, likes and dislikes; all of this leads to an ability to love. And not just casually, a love that is random and fleeting, but to love fully. You can't love what you don't know.

I learned a week later that my nephew what born. Perfect and seamless, the process sped by and a new family member was born. And I didn't know a thing about it. I couldn't respond with salutation, I couldn't praise with delight, because I didn't know. And in a way it's sad.

Communication is so closely linked to knowledge. How do you gain knowledge? Through communication; from teacher to student, from author to reader, from lecturer to learner, from conversation to comprehension. Families that don't communicate are sad, they are empty, and they are loveless.

How much do we miss out of life when we don't love fully, live completely, make connections with others? And how much more do we miss out of a relationship with our creator when we don't get to know Him, worship Him, read His words, and connect with His people.

Do you want someone to love you madly, completely, unconditionally? It begins with communication.......what will your first words be?

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