Wednesday, October 28, 2009


We understand value in direct contrast to something else. It's meaning is derived from a spectrum of what is desired and what is hated. The value of gold is valued in contrast to other metals, the value of love best understood in comparison to hate. The value of friendship viewed through the lens of not having friends, desiring meaning and relationship in sharp contrast to emptiness without community. The better we understand the value of something, the more focused we are in pursuit of it.

What do you value? Is it evident in your actions? Is the comparison between what you value and what you do obvious? If I value love, is it easily seen? Is it poured out daily in my actions, my words, my work, my relationships? If I value integrity, do my words match my meaning match my actions? If I value kindness, do others see it? If I value justice, do I mete it out? The spoken is not nearly as loud as the unspoken.

Value is as dark is to light, truth is to lie, hope is to despair, life is to death. It's a contrast, a tension, a meeting place of two adversaries, an appointment between friends, it's vital and it's important. What value marks your life?

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