Monday, April 12, 2010


I hear it first. The cry of pain. I was instantly drawn to the sound and witness the bright, red blood backdropped against the brilliant white fur. My dog was injured. Instantly, I called to him and he came; cowering at my feet, hiding between me legs, whimpering and shaking as he tried to sit down.

The bright red dripped slowly from an injury to his leg and I knew it was time to see the vet.

It happened in less than a second. Quick, decisive, the wounding was certain, the cut real and stitches needed.

What occurred could not be undone. What happened could not be erased. A moment of speed and quest to hunt down the random squirrel taunting in the backyard leading to an encounter with pain.

My dog was bleeding and I needed help for healing to begin.

That's how wounding happens. Whether it's random or delivered on purpose, a single second can change the course of time, it can alter reality, it can impact a lifetime of next choices. One single moment can destroy, can break, can shatter, can alter a life story in profound and powerful ways.

What is your wound? How did it happen?

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