Monday, April 25, 2011

an itsy-bitsy-teeny-tiny-detail.... I've been thinking lately about the beauty of one tiny detail. How a detail can bring more to the day, the event, the project, the task. Conversely, one detail can break the preverbal camel's back. Take the detail of writing thank you cards. It's boring, it requires time and effort, it needs an address and a stamp. If it's modeling this to a child, it takes arm wrestling to get the child to sit still, use their best handwriting, and to be thoughtful. A detail like writing thank you cards can stall me out, frustrate me, and even overwhelm me.

It's too much.
It's one more thing in a very long list of things to do.

So, my thinking has shifted.
What if I took the time to ENJOY the process?
What if I set time apart to thoughtfully respond to the kindness another has paid to me?
What if instead of a sense of dread, I feel delight?

Sometimes, often times, we forget...
Our worth.
Our power.
Our strength.

We say that this life is too much. Too much expectation, too much work, too many tasks. We say we can't control our choices, that our days are made up already, our schedules filled, our lives too full. This is a lie. We choose how we spend our time, we control our attitudes, we are more than we see.

So, enjoy one itsy-bitsy-teeny-tiny detail today.
Look at that task in a new way.
See it with fresh eyes.
Gain perspective.

You GET to do this.
You are LOVED.

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