I was nervous to invite kids to come up; not to lead them in a prayer, I've done that before in groups and individually, but I was nervous that no one would come. That maybe I'd do it wrong. Until God reminded me that it was his job to change hearts, not mine. I needed to play a part, be obedient and in the community of the vbs team around, we created an environment, but God did the work. And they came. As we reflected on the number, I was reminded that I'd set a goal of 25% ,the weekend before, of the 150 kids. God brought that number to mind. Crazy how 36 fits nicely into that number. Wink. Wink. God, you truly are perfect.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
36. My age. 36. The number of kids who came forward today at vacation bible school when I asked who prayed the prayer to ask Jesus into their lives to be their forever friend. Gently reminding my audience that if they'd already asked Jesus to be their savior, they needn't ask him again. 36 kids came forward. 36 lives that will be changed. 36 new conversations to have with parents about what happened today and what it means now and and in the moments to come. 36 new directions to follow.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
What is it about vacation bible school?
I got a comment today from a parent regarding vacation bible school. She shared her daughter's experience so far. She explained,"My daughter was hesitant to come. Her response when she learned that I'd signed her up was not positive." The mom continued, "My daughter said she endured Sunday School on the weekend and didn't want 5 more days of it." Ouch, a harsh statement. Churched kids have generally seen it all. And kids of active and engaged parents, who volunteer a lot, have especially seen it all. They know the answer to every question- "Jesus". They know which kids to avoid-the trouble makers. They know which staff to talk to. They are seasoned veterans. Day One of vacation bible school went off without a hitch. The daughter came home to her mom and expressed joyfully,"That was the most fun I've had a church. The crafts were great, the games fun, and the muuuuusic. Wow, Mom! I can't wait to go back." What is it about vacation bible school? With over 100 volunteers, 160 kids, loads of crafts, songs, and games; the better question to ask is what isn't happening at vacation bible school? Nothing. It's all there.
why encouragement matters
I've had two meaningful conversations this afternoon; one via e-mail and the other face to face. Both included encouragement. I walked away from both experiences ignited with focus, clarity, and renewed energy. Why? Why would a few compliments aptly spoken leave such an indelible mark? Certainly they came from people I admire and respect. And yes, they were spoken in community with other factors; but much more than that, they were delivered with love. Those phrases of encouragement propel me forward, like a finely-tuned engine, fully equipped to run for miles. Encouragement matters. Maybe even more than reality. The belief that someone is supporting you, the faith that someone believes in you, it boosts you up. It's powerful. It's potential. How can I pay forward their gift today? What words of encouragement do I need to speak into the life of another?
Friday, June 12, 2009
those crazy summer clouds
While Carry On Wayward Son pounds out in the background-the guitar groove is amazing- those crazy summer clouds waft by. Imported from the scene of a Pixar movie, these clouds are perfect in their imperfection. A transition of deep indigo to the palest of blues is the backdrop for lusciously full clouds. The are spaced like perfectly planted rows of corn, not a sequence out of place, as they stretch mile after mile into the horizon. And with vivid accuracy, my human eyes take them in. Usually, I have to scrunch up my nose and squint just right to see distances beyond my own 3 feet sphere; but today, I've been gifted with the eyes of a red tail hawk. And as abruptly as I've noticed them, they slip away, overtaking the last rays of sun and melting together into a doom-less gray. The sun isn't protesting it's loss today, just amiably fading away as it brightens someone else's horizon. Amidst the quarrelsome fervor of 3 kids home from school on summer break, the neighbor aflutter with a lemonade stand and nosy dogs demanding playmates, I sit admiring those clouds; I am taken to a new place of serenity, certainty, calm. Ahhh......
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Dr. Rodger Dean Duncan, in his book Crucial Conversations, informs us that, "The way we talk or don't talk affects our body, it could kill you." He continues, " Conversations strengthen your immune system, help ward off disease, and increase your quality of life." I didn't realize the importance of communication and the disaster of not communicating. It makes sense, we were born with brains to think and mouths to speak, but it is a new learning to see how much this impacts us as individuals. What ways do I need to communicate today? What conversations do I need to have? The threat of not having those conversations is of greater risk to my health, over the long haul than the convenience of brushing them aside. What do you need to talk about today? What have you been putting off?
Monday, June 8, 2009
What is supposed to guide my everyday thoughts? Actions? Conversations? Decisions? Am I astute enough to create a grid to weigh every thought by? Compare ever action to? Would this make living too exhausting, too difficult? And what if I didn't get the grid right? What if this template was off and it skewed my success. Developing a system of priorities shape who I am. This system is fluid and as I learn, it is modified. However; what pours into this system is critical. The bible teaches of a first and absolute priority of seeking God. "Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these (other) things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33. If seeking God is being poured into my system of priorities, then I will live fully. This seeking requires shutting out better things to find the best thing. It means letting go of the control I fight to maintain over the events I didn't orchestrate. It requires trust in a higher power; God himself. It means losing myself to gain. Living by priority is a daily choice.
Friday, June 5, 2009
What if speaking truth meant broken relationship? Is the cost worth it? What if the message you needed to give would devastate another? The message; spoken in love and truth severing the relationship. The recipient unwilling or unprepared or unable to understand; emotion masking the message in a way that it will take time to process. Is it worth it? But, what if the message, once understood would bring life and hope and strength and health. Who is injured more? Who is stronger? The message bringer or the message receiver? And the cost, is living in a lie easier than broken healing in the truth? Our humanness is rooted in brokenness desperate for restoration-only we don't know it really or see it fully. We cannot comprehend it. Truth cuts. It prunes. It severs. And, truth heals. That Jesus Christ would speak truth, that his Father would release Jesus to face suffering, torture, and rejection so that we would be restored is incomprehensible. It is also where hope is. And faith. And trust. And love. The cost of bringing truth is much higher for the message bearer, the risk is greater. So when truth is given, receive it. And when truth is needed to be spoken, say it.
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