Monday, July 15, 2013

a beautiful moment

in the midst of weekend details
in the flurry of constant activity
in the preparation of the Story, the setting of the rooms, the arranging of the schedules
in the communication and the invitation of leaders
in the surge of guests and regular attenders and members
in the sprinkles, the toppings, the scoops, and the sundaes
in the fervent hope of provision
in the mystery of the absent staff
in the strain of technical difficulties
in the joy of thirteen curious candidates learning about baptism
in the pursuit of mission trip agenda
in the greeting of kids and parents and volunteers and staff
in the anticipation of a request, a presentation, a proposal for the future

sat this beautiful moment, a yes vote
a moment suspended in time where the community around, in one voice, agreed
a moment when the support for our church leadership couldn't be more clear


yes, look to the future.
yes, prepare for who is coming.
yes, watch and wait and work.

work, diligently, faithfully, prayerfully, passionately.

"Behold, I am coming soon."