when I try to visualize it,
when I try to capture the invisible,
when I rest in palpable peace,
when I see love at it's brightest,
it's probably experienced, embraced, and understood in the light.
I try to imagine a place where it's so bright, the sun is secondary
I try to dream of a space where it's so brilliant, nothing man-made can imitate it
I try to see, really see God in others and it's when I see light
"The way of the righteous is like the 1st gleam of dawn." proverbs four: eighteen.
"I looked up and there before me was a man dressed in linen, with a belt of fine gold from Uphaz around his waist. His body was like topaz, his face like lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms like the gleam of burnished bronze, and his voice like the sound of a multitude. " daniel ten: five - seven
"I saw the glory of the God of israel coming from the east. His voice was like the roar of rushing waters, and the land was radiant with his glory." ezekiel forty-three: one - three
"And the city has no need of the sun or moon, for the glory of God illuminates the city, and the Lamb is it's light." revelation twenty-one: twenty-three
I want to be surrounded, soaked, drenched, and drown in that light.
Amazing God,
Fill me with your light
Surround me with your brilliance
Awaken me to your presence
Soar through me